Monday, 18 May 2015

[১]-চুফিজিমত বাদ্যযন্ত্র বনাম অসমীয়া জিকিৰত টোকাৰী

[1]-“এক বৌদ্ধিক চিন্তা”

চুফিজিমত বাদ্যযন্ত্র বনাম অসমীয়া জিকিৰত টোকাৰী
-চৈয়দ জিয়াউল হুছেইন।
“One of intellectual thought” [A colanguage Article]
written by:-S.J.Hussain


The spirit of Sufism exists in all religions and is that sense Sufis are found wherever God is revered,worshipped and loved.Historically,Sufism is an offshoot of Islam mysticism which is called Tasawuf.Sufism is a complex ideology and no date of origin can be ascribed to it.Nevertheless,at present there is a great ideal of interest in Sufism,and Rumi is one of the most widely read authors and his original work has been translated into many languages.
The Sufi movement can be divided roughly into two periods:-
(A)The early ascetic period and
(B) the later doctrinal period.
The early ascetic period can be traced to the Prophet Mohammad and the four Caliphas,particularly Hazrat Abu Bakar and Hazrat Ali.The Sufis developed their mystical knowledge purely on the basis of Quran and Hadith.–

চুফিজিমক এটা শব্দত প্রকাশ কৰিব নোৱাৰি। ইয়াৰ পৰিসৰ অতি বৃহৎ। কাৰণ সকলো চুফিসাধক মুছলমান নহয়। ইছলামৰ আগতেই চুফিজিমৰ প্রকাশ ঘটিছিল। চুফিজিম হৈছে এক মাইস্তিজিম যাক কোৱা হয় তাচাউফ। চুফিসাধক সকলে কয়যে আল্লহ তা’লাক পাবলৈ বহু সাধনা কৰিব লাগিব, সাধাৰণ জীৱন যাপন, অনবৰত জিকিৰ, নামাজ, উপবাস আদি কৰিব লাগিব। কিতাপ-পত্র পঢ়ি জ্ঞান আর্জন কৰি আল্লহ তা’লাক পাব নোৱাৰি। ……

উল্লেখিত প্রথম ভাগত হজৰত মহম্মদ(দঃ) আৰু তেওঁৰ চাৰি খলিফাৰ মাজত আছিল। তেওঁলোকৰ জ্ঞান আছিল সম্পূর্ণ কোৰআন আৰু হদীচ ভিত্তিত।
They did not distinguish between the Sharia (the religious law) and the Tariqa (the Sufi-path )। There re numerous Sufis in this category but a well known example is Rabia-al-Adawiyya of Basra (717-801).She did not marry and lived a life of self denial and charity.To her,love of God was supreme

দ্বিতীয় ভাগ অর্থাৎ The later doctrinal Sufism started from the second half of the ninth century.During this period,Sufis came in contact with the mystics of Christianity,Hinduism and Buddhism.It is the generally believed that this contact resulted in a slightly different approach than the previous one.For example,Maraf-al-Karkhi (AD 815) states,”Lovee is not to be learned from men,it is one of God’s gifts and comes as a grace.”This is also the Christian concept.

উনৈশ শতিকাৰ শেষ আৰু বিশং শতিকাৰ প্রথমাদ্ধত চুফিজিমে ইছলামক গতিশীল(modern dynamic islam) কৰি তুলে। কিন্তু ই দ্বিতীয় ভাগৰ এক ৰূপান্তৰ মাত্র। য’ত র্চিক আৰু বেদাতেৰে ভৰি পৰিল। 

চুফিজিম মানে ইছলাম নহয়।
   চুফিজিম নিজেই এটা ধর্ম।
চুফিজিমক ইছলামৰ সাজ পিন্ধাই চুফিজিম কৰা হৈছে। Greek, Vedantic, Jewish ৰ মাইস্তিজিমতহে চুফিজিম বেছি বিখ্যাত। ইছলামৰ চুফিজিমও সেই একেজোপা গছৰ ঠাল ঠেঙুলি। হিন্দুইজিমে কয় চুফিজিম তেওঁলোকৰ পৰা অনা হৈছে। বুদ্ধসকলে কয় চুফিজিম বুদ্ধইজিমৰ পৰা ফলেৰে তৈয়াৰি। মুছলমানে মছজিদ-মাদ্রাছাত চুফিজিম ইছলামৰ এটা অঙ্গ বুলি চুফিজিমৰ শিক্ষা দিয়া হয়; কিন্তু তেওঁলোকে নেজানেযে তেওঁলোকে যি চুফিজিমৰ ফল খাবলৈ পাইছে সেই ফলৰ সঁচ উল্লেখিত গছৰ পৰাই আহিছে।
The peace that islam aims at is quite different from the harmony which is Sufi claims to achieve with the Absolute Reality. William James, the author of “The varieties of religious experience”, has described religion as: “The feelings, acts and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine.”This definition aptly defines ‘sufism’. Indeed SUFISM IS A RELIGION IN ITSELF. Right from initiation ceremony to the ultimate goal of experiencing unity with God, a SUFI FOLLOWS A PATH THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM ISLAM. Though the terminology has been borrowed from Islam. Sufism has more in common with Greek, Vedantic and Jewish mysticism. In fact, the concept of mystism throughout the ages has essentially been the same despite a surface difference of terminology.
Hazrat Inayat Khan in his book ‘Spiritual Liberty’ , writes:-“Some people who see Sufism taught by a muslim, preaching in the mosque, natuarally call it a branch of islam; but they donot know that the seed which is found in the fruit was in its origin root of that same plant. Those who see it in the garb of Hinduism, say it is derived from Hindusm. Those who see its resemblance to Buddhism, say that its origin is Buddhism……..
From the book of:-
‘Sufism is not Islam’
A comparative study
By-Shahid A.Chaudhary-1998 be contd.

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